NSG2023 News EAGE Hydrogeophysics Community Shares Hints of the Future of Near Surface Geophysical Instrumentation

Big thanks to everyone who contributed to the discussion on “The future of Near Surface Geophysical Instrumentation”, the first webinar organized by the EAGE Hydrogeophysics technical community on 7 March 2023.

Following a keynote presentation by Professor Esben Auken (Aarhus GeoInstruments, Aarhus University), Dr Andi A. Pfaffhuber (EMerald Geomodelling) moderated a lively Q&A with Andrew Duncan (ElectroMagnetic Imaging Technology) and Catherine Truffert (IRIS Instruments). Issues in production, finance and training: the panelists dived deep into the challenges ahead and highlighted areas with room for improvement.

A very international audience of 100+ members connected from Australia to Canada joined in with questions. Two things emerged clearly from: on one hand professionals worldwide operating instrumentation for near surface geoscience face similar problems; on the other hand, there is huge potential for synergizing across disciplines and across industries. Facilitating the connections that make this possible and support future developments is at the core of what EAGE does.

Did you miss the webinar? You can re-watch the keynote below!

Watch keynote

The conversation with the Hydrogeophysics community will continue at NSG2023, 3-7 September 2023, Edinburgh, UK. Make sure to send in your abstracts before 25 April!

Keynote Summary

Water shortage caused by a changing climate is a major global problem. Geophysical technologies exist for efficient imaging the subsurface for groundwater, raw materials etc. but several of the instruments are not user friendly and they are costly. It is argued that this limits the market and if we had modern, less costly, and user-friendly instruments we could have had much higher impact and help communities in shortage of sustainable water supply in both developing and developed countries.

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