Organizing an international conference on the geoscience and geotechnical methods for detecting UXO (unexploded ordnance) and other buried objects has become a priority in order to support safer, more effective demining efforts. Conflicts leave behind hazardous remnants that endanger communities – this is where advancements in geoscience and geotechnical methods are vital for improving detection, minimizing risks to deminers, and ensuring the safe rehabilitation of affected lands.
Complementing terrestrial demining is the task of ensuring the safety of offshore developments, such as the installation of cables and windfarms at sea. Before laying these critical structures, it is essential to clear underwater unexploded ordnance and other hazardous remnants to prevent accidents and ensure the long-term sustainability of energy projects.
This conference will serve as a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to share knowledge, showcase cutting-edge technologies, and foster international collaboration. As a professional association with multidisciplinarity in its core, EAGE is committed to facilitating new connections and technical exchanges to contribute to these goals. Many EAGE members are already engaged in UXO and object detection – both on land and underwater, and we invite others who have relevant expertise to get involved.
Browse the conference topics and abstract submission instructions.
The EAGE Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles (UAV) Technical Community will also play a key role in the event. With their scanning capabilities, data collection and the ability to cover vast areas, drones represent one of the most promising technologies to aid UXO clearance.
The location chosen to host this event is particularly relevant: Italy still has numerous areas affected by unexploded remnants from WWII and supports a Register of Operators specialized in systematic warfare clearance who provide assistance both locally and internationally. We encourage all geoscientists and engineers with relevant experience, or interested in learning how they can contribute to this critical sector, to step forward in September and join the conversation!