NSG2023 News Exploring the Future: Special Students Talks Planned at NSG2023 in Collaboration with PGRiP

September in Edinburgh is buzzing with activities and geoscience takes center stage!

After our NSG2023 on 3-7 September, postgraduate research students will meet on 7-8 September at ECCI, the Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation for the PGRiP Meeting (Postgraduate Research In Progress Meeting).

PGRiP 2022

As our community looks to the future and the vital role early careers play in the field of Near Surface Geoscience, we could not pass up this opportunity to foster collaboration and highlight some of the most interesting works being prepared for PGRiP 2023. We are thrilled to announce that on 5 September we will welcome a group of talented postgraduates to share their research in a dedicated poster session. Make sure to mark this in your calendars and seize the change to engage in stimulating conversations while you visit the event.

Explore NSG2023 Schedule


More on PGRiP

The British Geophysical Association (BGA) is a Joint Association of the Geological Society of London and the Royal Astronomical Society. Its aims are to promote the subject of geophysics, and to strengthen the relationship between Geophysics and the other Natural Sciences in the UK.

BGA PGRiP is the Association’s Postgraduate Research In Progress Meeting, intended to give research postgrads the chance to share their research, forge new friendships (and rekindle old ones), and enjoy a lower-pressure conference experience with other postgrads. The Meeting especially welcomes those from backgrounds underrepresented in Geophysics.

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